Major in Cinema and Media Studies

The Cinema and Media Studies major offers three tracks: Standard, Intensive–Written Thesis, and Intensive–Production Thesis. The Intensive Tracks are designed for students who wish to complete the major with a senior thesis, which makes them eligible to receive College Honors. Intensive Track students complete all coursework required under the Standard Track major; they also complete either a Written Project or a Production Project supplemented by an analytical essay and complete one Thesis Workshop series over the course of their final year.

Major Requirements: Standard Track

  • CMST 10100: Introduction to Film
  • CMST 28500: History of International Cinema I: Silent Era
  • CMST 28600: History of International Cinema II: Sound to 1960
  • CMST 28700: History of International Cinema III: 1960 to Present
  • CMST 29201 or CMST 29202: Advanced Seminar
  • Seven Elective Courses (originating in or cross-listed with CMS)

Major Requirements: Intensive Track - Written Thesis

  • CMST 10100: Introduction to Film
  • CMST 28500: History of International Cinema I: Silent Era
  • CMST 28600: History of International Cinema II: Sound to 1960
  • CMST 28700: History of International Cinema III: 1960 to Present
  • CMST 29201 or CMST 29202: Advanced Seminar
  • CMST 27299: Written Thesis Workshop
  • CMST 29900: Senior Thesis (zero-unit course)
  • Seven Elective Courses (originating in or cross-listed with CMS)

Written Thesis

In Spring Quarter of year 3, students must meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies to submit their intention to complete an Intensive Track major and discuss the focus of their required thesis project. Students begin reading and research during the summer. By the end of fourth week of the Autumn Quarter of year 4, students will select a project advisor and prepare to present an outline of their project during one of the autumn quarter sessions of CMST 27299. Writing and revising take place during Winter Quarter. The final version is due by fourth week of the quarter in which the student plans to graduate (most often in Spring Quarter).

The written thesis typically consists of a substantial essay that engages a research topic in the history, theory, and criticism of film and/or other media. A creative project in film or video production supplemented by an essay is sometimes an option, contingent on the approval of the faculty.

Major Requirements: Intensive Track - Production Thesis

  • CMST 10100: Introduction to Film
  • CMST 28500: History of International Cinema I: Silent Era
  • CMST 28600: History of International Cinema II: Sound to 1960
  • CMST 28700: History of International Cinema III: 1960 to Present
  • CMST 29201 or CMST 29202: Advanced Seminar
  • CMST 28999: Production Thesis Workshop
  • CMST 29900: Senior Thesis (zero-unit course)
  • Seven Elective Courses (three of these elective courses must focus on film or media production)

Prerequisite Production Courses

To be considered for this option, students must have taken at least three production classes by the end of Autumn Quarter of their fourth year. Of these courses, two must originate within the Cinema and Media Studies Department and be taught by CMS faculty—cross-listed courses taught outside of CMS do not fulfill this requirement. The third course can originate in either CMS, DoVA, or TAPS, but must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Some additional notes: 

  • Students should prioritize enrolling in two CMS faculty-taught production courses before submitting a thesis proposal in year 3;
  • One production course may be taken during Autumn Quarter of the student’s fourth year if necessary;
  • Two-quarter courses must be taken in sequence (ex. CMST 23930 + CMST 23931 or CMST 28921 + CMST 28922) and prerequisites must be met prior to enrollment. 

Production Thesis

In Spring Quarter of year 3, students must meet with the Director of Undergraduate Studies to declare their intention to complete an Intensive Track major and discuss the focus of their required Production Thesis. By the seventh week, students will submit a written proposal that describes the project and suggests a timeline for the work to be accomplished. The writing of screenplays/storyboards alone will not be considered for the Production Thesis.

Some guidelines for the form and substance of the Production Thesis proposal:

The proposal should be no more than three and a half pages, single-spaced and should include the following sections:

      Section 1 (1.5–2 single-spaced pages)

  • A synopsis of your project
  • A brief discussion explaining the significance of your project

      Section 2 (~half a page)

  • A list of the production courses that you have taken (priority is given to students who have completed at least two production courses originating in Cinema and Media Studies by the Autumn of their graduating year).
  • The estimated length of your final work
  • A description of the relevant locations, actors, or social actors for your project and whether you have access to your locations, actors, and social actors
  • What equipment you anticipate requiring

      Section 3 (~one page)

  • A short plan (and timeline) of the work to be completed

The DUS and other CMS faculty members will evaluate all proposals and decisions will be made by the last week of Spring quarter. Decisions are based primarily on the feasibility of the project, the quality of the proposal, and the student’s performance in required production classes. Priority will be given to projects proposing a documentary or experimental short. The number of projects approved may be limited by the advising capacity of the CMS faculty.

Production Thesis students will work closely with the production advisor for the duration of their project, from conceptualization to the end result. The final version is due by the fourth week of the quarter in which the student plans to graduate (most often in Spring Quarter).

The Production Thesis Project must be accompanied by a supplemental paper establishing the relationship of the film or video component of the project to film, video, or media history, theory, or modes of production. This paper may incorporate an analysis of the production and post-production process. The paper will be submitted at the time of final submission of the creative work.

Declaring a Major

Students who would like to major in Cinema and Media Studies must complete a Major Requirements Approval Form and submit it to the department by email at The completed Major Approval Form will be sent to the student’s Academic Adviser once it has been signed by the DUS.