Cohort Year:
Research Interests:
Landscape and waterscape studies; media ecology; digital aesthetics and poetics; history and aesthetics of experimental cinema; intersection of documentary and the avant-garde; philosophies of nature; ecocriticism; and indigenous studies
M.A., Études cinématographiques et audiovisuelles, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III, 2014
Yangqiao Lu is a PhD student in Cinema and Media Studies. Her research focuses on the conceptualization of geomedia through scientific and artistic abstractions and expressions found in ancient and contemporary media objects, engaging media studies, anthropology, and nature-culture studies. She is currently studying the agency of land in indigenous creations and (agri)cultural practices in China and the U.S. Prior to arriving in Chicago, Yangqiao Lu completed a Master’s degree in Études cinématographiques from Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle where she focused her study on the history and aesthetics of experimental cinema.