Research Interests:
Contemporary East Asian cinemas; Chinese-language cinemas of all periods and regions; transcultural genres and modes (especially melodrama, ecocinema, and martial arts cinema); special effects; set design and location shooting; animal studies
Pao-chen Tang graduated in Spring 2020 with a joint-degree from the Departments of Cinema and Media Studies and East Asian Languages and Civilizations. His research focuses on those moments on screen when the human and the nonhuman encounter and interact.
- Dissertation: “The Animist Imagination of Cinema”
- Committee: Thomas Gunning, Paola Iovene, Daniel Morgan, and Salomé Skvirsky
- Current Position: Lecturer (equiv. Assistant Professor) in Film Studies at the University of Sydney
Teaching Experience
- The Family in East Asian Cinema, Lecturer - Spring 2020
- Introduction to Film, Lecturer - Spring 2019
- Intermediate Modern Chinese, Lecturer - Winter 2018
- Film and the Moving Image, CA - Spring 2018
- History of International Cinema, Part II: Sound to 1960, CA - Winter 2018
- Art of East: China, CA - Winter 2017
- Elementary Modern Chinese, CA - Autumn 2017
- Introduction to Film, CA - Autumn 2016