Cooper Long received his PhD in Cinema and Media Studies from the University of Chicago in 2023. His research and teaching focuses on the relations between film and other media, with an emphasis on questions of aesthetics, industry, and technology. His dissertation “John Frankenheimer’s Untimely Media” studied key transformations of the American media environment between the 1950s and the 2000s, arguing that Frankenheimer's film and television work can expand our thinking about multiple media-historical turning points, ranging from the decline of live television drama to the rise of digital branded content. Unlike a traditional auteurist study, this project mobilizes Frankenheimer's body of work as a critical toolkit for studying large-scale processes of media change.
An excerpt from this project, entitled "Between Handheld Camera and Steadicam: The Body-Mounted Cinematography of Seconds (1966) and Its Legacies" is forthcoming in the journal Film History. Drawing on archival research, this article tracks the diffusion of body-mounted camerawork among multiple media forms (advertising, cinema, music video, and more) between the 1960s and the present. His work has previously appeared in the journal Film-Philosophy.
Teaching Experience
Autumn Quarter 2023
CMST 14400: Film and the Moving Image
Winter Quarter 2024
CMST 28906 Contemporary Cinematic Special Effects
Spring Quarter 2024
CMST 10100 Introduction to Film Analysis
CMST 14400 Film and the Moving Image
Previously taught courses: Introduction to Film Analysis (CMST 10100), Advanced Seminar: Film and Media Authorship, CA (CMST 29200), History of International Cinema II: Sound Era to 1960, CA (CMST 28600), History of International Cinema I: Silent Era, CA (CMST 28500)