Clint is a film studies generalist, but is particularly interested in post-1960 Hollywood & American cinema, contemporary international cinema, and video games. He is currently completing his dissertation, “Playing with Cinema,” an analysis of technological and stylistic change in video games since the 1990s, via their formal relationships to cinematic art. Clint is the 2021-22 CMS BA Preceptor for undergraduate majors preparing a written thesis. In the winter quarter, he will teach an advanced seminar for upper-level CMS majors entitled “Topics in Post-Classical Hollywood Cinema.” Clint hails from Idaho, can often be found seeing movies at The Music Box Theatre, and is still in mourning for Chicago’s glorious Navy Pier IMAX.
- Advanced Seminar - Autumn: Post-Classical American Cinema (Fall 2022; CMST 29201)
- History of International Cinema III: 1960 to Present (Spring 2023; CMST 28700/38700)
Previously courses taught include: The History of International Cinema III: 1960-Present (CMST 28601), Introduction to Film (CMST 10100), Pedagogy: The Way We Teach Film (CMST 69900, co-taught with Yuri Tsivian)
Teaching Experience
Winter Quarter 2025
CMST 10100 Introduction to Film Analysis
Spring Quarter 2025
CMST 28700 History of International Cinema III, 1960–Present