Chris Carloy

Carloy - headshot
Assistant Instructional Professor in the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities and the Department of Cinema and Media Studies
Classics 414
PhD, University of Chicago, 2018
Research Interests: Videogame history; history of style; theories of space and place; genre history and theory; reception studies and discourse analysis; embodied experiences of play; games and the other arts; architectural theory; videogame pedagogy


Chris Carloy is an Assistant Instructional Professor at the University of Chicago. His research centers on videogame history, with a focus on the 1990s and the first decade of the new millennium. His dissertation, “‘True 3D’: The Form, Concept, and Experience of Three-Dimensionality in 1990s Videogames,” traced the emergence of “three-dimensionality” as a multivalent and contested concept in videogame cultures in the 1990s and its intersection with shifting styles and experiences in major videogame genres. More broadly, Chris’s work deals with spatiality across media and art forms and seeks to understand videogames as part of much longer traditions of spatial representation and design.

As a preceptor in the Master of Arts Program in the Humanities, Chris serves as co-instructor for the Foundations of Interpretive Theory course, organizes workshops and provides feedback on student theses, and helps guide students through their time at the university. Chris has also worked closely with the University of Chicago library, the Weston Game Lab, the Film Studies Center, and the Logan Center to develop the study of videogames on campus, helping to build collections of hardware, software, and primary historical sources and to establish pedagogical strategies.



Spring Quarter 2024

CMST 27816/37816 From Open Worlds to Angry Birds: Videogame History 2000-2010

Previously taught courses includeSonic the Hedgehog (CMST 37817), Looking Back: Orpheus and Eurydice Across Time and MediumMedia Aesthetics (HUMA 16000), Introduction to Videogame Studies: Art, Play, and Society (CMST 27915)