James Chandler's research and teaching interests include the Romantic movement; the study of lyric poetry; the history of the novel; relations between politics and literature, history and criticism; the Scottish Enlightenment; modern Irish literature and culture; the sentimental mode; cinema studies; and the history of humanities disciplines.
James Chandler served as Chair of Cinema and Media Studies for AY2019-2020
Winter Quarter 2025
CMST 14508 Adaptations (In Paris)
Previous courses taught include: Irish Literature and Cinema (CMST 21650); Media Aesthetics: Image, Text, Sound II (HUMA 16100); Film and Fiction (CMST 25820);Transformations of Style, Genre, Institution: 1740-1840 (ENGL 53520), Enlightenments and Romanticisms (ENGL 53450), and The Country and the City (London Program - ENGL 20154)